Okay okay I know what you were thinking right when you clicked on this… ‘Lauren, we are a whole week into 2019 why are you just now posting this?’ To be honest, I have had a lot going on the last few weeks of last year. I also like to make sure I am completely in love with my word that I will keep all year. Oh and I really loved my word of 2018 and wanted to keep it!!
Ever since I was a senior in high school, I’ve had a word after reading the book “One Word” it goes through different steps of finding a word you can keep for your year/life, which is pretty neat. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have a life word, I think that is too much commitment for me at the moment.
My past words of the year:
2016-> beginning. I was beginning my first real job, Beginning college and all that comes with college life. I didn’t want to put too much emphasis on leaving high school and leaving everything I knew for the past year. I decided to look on the positive side and chose ‘beginning’.
2017-> I originally chose the word ‘wait’ but I shifted it to ‘growth’ about 3ish months in because of what all happened in my life. I think that people change and situations change and it is okay to actually switch. Growth like moving on and growing. I also had the quote ‘bloom where you’re planted’ quote on my mind for most of this year.
2018-> wholeheartedly. This past year, I really stuck with my word. I was proud that I kept using this word daily. I was putting my all into everything, camp, work, school, home, friendships. I really pushed myself to keep going even when I thought I couldn’t anymore. I was super sad about not keeping this word. I will always use this word but once January 1st of this year hit, I knew it was time to chose something else. I talk to my aunt, my mom’s sister, on the phone pretty much every night. Last night I was explaining this all to her and she said “You don’t have to get rid of your 2018 word, you can just build on it!” And that is so true and exactly what I’m going to do!
So 2019?! Actually, up until today these were my thoughts -> ‘Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t want to pick a word and not be able to actually keep it. Something Happy & Positive definitely.’
Today, I kept thinking about my past blog posts each year where I write about my new word. The word that kept coming back to me was ‘focus’. I have always said “The word I’m focusing on this year is …” or “This year, I’m really trying to focus on doing…”
So I decided… why not focus on ‘focus’!?
If you know me, you know I get distracted really easily. I think I’ve got distracted over 10 times just writing this blog post about not getting distracted. (Lol whoops) I have always needed to focus more in my life. The book I mentioned where I got this idea from says “Choose a God word, not just a good word.” This year, I want to focus more on learning about my faith and focus on trusting God. I want to focus on getting good grades and everything I do in school. I really need to focus on my friends and family more. I’d like to focus on looking ahead into the future and stop worrying about the past— something I tend to do often. I also need to focus more on my blog and my internship. I always need to focus at work and at home. I desperately need to focus on myself more as well. In conclusion, I’m going focus more on any interesting adventure I get myself into, focus more on the little details of life and focus more on pretty much everything.
“Dear brothers and sisters, I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.”
-Philippians 3:13