Saturday, June 1, 2019

just a season…

I wanted to get on here and give an update to what has been going on in my life. I have always felt like a weight was just lifted from my shoulders when I write- I love having a place to share anything I want. There hasn’t been anything bad at all that has happened, life is going great for me right now. But to get to this point, it took me about a month and a half. (a VERY rainy month and a half, it’s currently thunderstorming at the moment I am typing this)

    In Mid-April I had an interview for an internship for a company that I have dreamed of working for since I was young. I even turned an application in and was in contact with them. It’s now June and I haven’t heard anything. I waited about three weeks and then honestly, I got tired of waiting. I got pretty upset when I never heard anything back. I still love the company I just don’t think they needed an intern when I applied.

    At the three week mark, I started looking for jobs all over the internet. The place I work at now doesn’t offer many hours in the summer. So, I was looking for something to get experience in for my major and to add to my resume… something within a half hour of my house, preferably in social media, news reporting ect. I have event assisting experience and I absolutely love people. I will talk to just about anyone! I think I signed up for at least six or more job websites and still nothing. When I started to see the same job postings over and over, I had two main thoughts.  The first was, “I am going to have to plan ahead after I graduate to move away since there is not many opportunities around in my major.” My second thought was to just take matters into my own hands and do it myself! I have never really been someone who has to stay within their comfort zone at moments like this. I decided to email a huge list of companies in my area to see if they needed a social media intern. I got a lot of emails back that day unfortunately all of them were nos.

The next morning I received an email from a local outdoor event venue about 15 minutes from my house- the email said “Yes! Can you come in this week for an interview?” I went in a few days later and I was hired within three minutes into the interview! It is a paid position, I get reimbursed for my gas and I can also use this internship for class credit. I had finally found something I wanted to do- social media and event assisting. It was right in front of my face the whole time. There is a possibility for me to work into the fall/winter as well. The craziest part of this whole experience was when I was talking to my boss, she mentioned that they were just about to put out a job posting of my exact position. God really provides, He is so so good! I was excited to start last night for their first concert of the summer. I learned a ton about the business and how behind the scenes works. I could not be more thankful to be at a place that I get to learn and grow at. They also said there are opportunities to grow within the company.

I have a desk in an office which I am very happy about! I will be decorating it in a few days and can not wait to see it all put together. I will totally appreciate any tips you may have for decorating a small space for a girl like me- always with a. lot. of. stuff! This summer is going to be really fun, I will be sure to post more when I know more:))

The point of this blog post on this rainy first evening of June is to know that during your toughest time God still loves you. It’s only a season, you will get through it and come out of it better than ever. Just like the rainbow after the rain, there is always hope for bigger things. Being a Christian in this world is not easy. God never promised it was going to be but He DID promise to be with us during every step of this crazy journey.