Tuesday, April 17, 2018

life update 4/17/18

Hey hey a little life update for ya: 

I am in my last few weeks of sophomore year at UT and I am so happy to be finally only 1 more paper and a few more classes away from summer ☀️πŸš€

Even though, I’ve had to make some changes and decisions in the past few months but I’m hoping they all work out the way they are supposed to. I am still working on the weekends and babysitting during the weekdays when I’m not at school. 

If you’re not from Northwest Ohio, Northeast Indiana or Southeast Michigan… it is currently April 17th and we woke up to snow on the ground and it is still snowing as I write this. I can not wait for some consistent warm weather!

I will be cherishing all the time I have with my friends, The Crew, until June when I move away and lots of changes happen with us then. But I am so blessed to be friends through it all.

It is also less than 2 months until I move up to Camp as a first time summer camp counselor. I’m preparing a little more and more each day! I can not possibly wait to meet other staff members and my campers! 

I’m obviously still writing my blogs (haha) and when it warms up, expect to see lots of photos especially from camp this summer. 
I will also hopefully be sending letters back home and I would love to receive mail while there so be on the look out for that! 

I am looking forward to spending lots of time at the lake before I leave for summer camp and when I come back mid August. After that, I will head back to The University of Toledo on the 27th of August. It will then be fair timeπŸŽͺ and I will be a junior! It’s crazy how fast time really does go!

Hope this finds you well (and hopefully staying warm in this weather)!! I keep saying to myself, God is good no matter what and it is so true! 
Have a great week everybody πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

Monday, April 16, 2018

Im a camp counselor…

I’m a camp counselor…

I believe in camp
I believe in shorts, t-shirt’s and backpacks
I believe in drinking your water
I believe everyone should have back pocket activities to play during free time
I believe in repeat after me and do as I do songs 
I believe in silly skits
and I believe in loosing my voice because of them
I believe in early mornings and late nights
and I believe in the beauty of camp sunsets and sunrises
I believe in Stoney Lake and all the joy it brings to people of all ages
and I believe in helping someone experience something they never have before
I believe in lots of s’mores & many campfires
I believe camp changes people’s lives including my own
I believe there’s no place like camp and I wish I could stay forever
I believe in making memories all day and all night long
I REALLY believe in saska
I believe in sleeping bags and bunks and hanging towels out to dry
I believe that I am the person I am today because of camp
I believe in this 1200 acre property being my safe space
I believe in jumping into help someone else whenever needed
I believe in camp food & I live for camp’s cookie tarts
I believe in card games and lots of laughs with fellow counselors during TO
I believe that the best conversations can happen at camp
I believe that weird tan lines, sunburns and greasy hair can be sort of cool 
I believe that most days I honestly can’t tell you what the day is but I can tell you how many days until camp
I believe in ‘sorry, I work at camp’ as an example for why I am the way I am
I believe in encouraging and inspiring other counselors and I believe in star stories
I believe in saying and doing the right things because my campers are looking up to me
I believe in needing help and not being afraid to ask for it
I believe camp is not always easy, but it’s always, always worth it
I believe I feel more at home at camp and the surrounding areas than I actually do at home
I believe in not knowing we are making memories- we just know we are having fun
I believe so much in random adventures all over camp property
I believe I can relate just about anything to camp
I believe in the camp “bubble” where you have no idea what’s going on in the outside world and wouldn't want it any other way
I believe in braids 24/7 at camp
I belive in taking some time to recharge and refresh yourself when needed at camp
I believe in Gaga ball and trail rides
I believe that camp life has taught me people and leadership skills that I know I couldn’t have learned anywhere else
I believe camp is being yourself, your true honest and raw self
I believe camp is camp because of the people you get to experience it with
I believe meeting people from across the world is one of camp’s most amazing features
I believe every child should have a chance to go to camp
I believe being a camp counselor is the best job in the world

I believe camp is good- no, great!

in fact I believe camp is the best place on Earth…

And I believe this is going to be the best summer yet!!