I highly suggest you to find a person like Mrs. Ruetz, She is incredible. She loves God with all her heart, mind and soul. She can always lift me up when I'm in a bad place and a text from her makes my whole day a lot better! Her advice helps me more than she will ever know. Mrs. Ruetz believes in me and shows me God's love especially when I need it the most. She is a spitting image of God and she inspires me all the time to be a better person and to know our Lord better.
Mrs. Ruetz wants to know how I'm doing and what I'm up to, she wants to love me and guide me closer to Jesus. She is there for me when no one else is. She sees me at the end of the day, when I'm tired and when I'm too worried about everything else around me. But she doesn't go running away as fast as she can in the other direction, she checks on me and makes sure I'm still smiling through it all. That is just simply awesome to me.
We had our monthly Ignite service tonight at church and she is always there volunteering with a smiling face. She doesn't let anything get in her way of loving and pursuing her relationship with her God. It is breathtaking to me.
Tonight, after I got home from Ignite, I sent her this message:
"Thanks for tonight, thanks for giving your time to God and the community! You are so special to Him and for sure us! It's amazing how God can show us such amazing love in a million ways… through song, prayer, quiet times and especially other people!!
My freshman camp director, Jill, says at every weekly meeting on Thursday nights:
'there's an imaginary shelf at the door, put down everything you came with, don't remember it during the time you have here, enjoy others company and enjoy being with God…' she goes on to say, 'If you must, pick it up on the way out. if not leave it on that imaginary shelf…'
How cool is it that God can see our brokenness, He can see right through our messiness.
Mrs. Adair always said, to get us to understand the lesson we are learning, "Is your windshield dirty or crystal clear?"
God can see right through your dirty windshield and all the bad things you pile on top of it. He makes my dirty windshield crystal clear. That blows my mind every time I think about it.
He can see through my messy backpack and my messy room and He can see through my failures.
He can see what we carried into church, He can see what we had to pick up on the way out and that He loves us anyways.
How stinking cool is that?!?
I read a quote somewhere that said "don't pick up what you have already laid down at His feet."
I don't really know where I was going with this but I do know that God is good, so good to us and I'm forever thankful for you guys, this community and every other great opportunity that I get to have"
I pray that who ever is reading this tonight will push to love God as much as Mrs. Ruetz does. I promise you will not regret it. Your life will change. I aspire to be as kind as she is one day. She is a gift from God and I can't thank Him enough for her!!