Monday, January 2, 2017

An Open Letter to My Ex-Best Friend:

I don't even know what to say. 
We haven't talked in almost 2 years.
The last day we talked you started screaming at me saying that I wasn't supportive of you and your on again off again boyfriend. You said how bad of a person I was and wasn't going to get anywhere in life. 
There wasn’t room in our hearts to forgive at that time, and now too much time has passed. It’s too late.
Just letting you know, I'm doing great. So much has happened. I have found my true friends, people that will always be there for me.
You didn't share the same love for life that I did. 
Slowly, I stopped honking when I went by your house and one day it just stopped completely.
I heard you aren't with the guy that caused all this anymore. You had to come back to our school because you weren't allowed to be around him anymore. 
I heard you went to counseling to get help. I hope it did help.
I hope you have a better outlook on life now.
I hear you're with a new guy, does he know what happened between us? Does he know what all you put me through? Does he know about the first guy?
Soon, I just blocked your number from my phone and I still have you blocked on all social media.
I swear I could have seen you sitting front row at my wedding, not at all anymore. 
I still have to answer questions as to how you are doing and I shrug my shoulders saying I have no idea. Because I honestly don't. You probably don't even tell people about me when they ask do you? 
I’ll never forget the moments that we shared together. We ranted about boys and watched movies together. You are a part of my past; a part of my teenage years. Not apart of who I am anymore. At that time, you really didn't know who you were or what you were going to do in life but I sure did and I still do.
But now, we’re strangers. And it’s hard to believe that people could turn away from each other so abruptly and never look back. But, I guess that’s just how life works and that's exactly what you did. I hope this was worth it to you. I hope you realize everything you put me through. I didn't deserve that, any of it. You changed me for the better. I learned to let go, grow up and stop being friends with you. We couldn't find a way to work out our problems we were so immature and you were so quick to jump into an argument. 
Although we’ve done some very hurtful things to each other, I know that this had to happen. I had to grow up and I had to better myself.

Your ex-best friend

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