Hey friends!
Wow, this semester has really flown by! UT is now on a shorter semester schedule, so many of the class times and course schedules have changed as well.
It is hard to believe that it is already November, and that December and finals will be here before I know it! This semester has been filled with many bumps along the way but I have come to this point stronger than ever. hills and valleys, people!
I have been meeting up with Chris & Pip for dinner about once a month or so near campus. How cool is it that God has us in, pretty much, the exact same area in this season of our lives!
I have been trying to get more involved with The Catholic Student Association on campus this semester. I attended Girls Night where we learned how to paint a beautiful fall tree and I have been going to the general meetings as well. I would love to really get to know even more people in CSA.
Freshmen Camp is in full swing like always at this time of the year with mandatory Thursday night meetings. At meeting last night, we had our annual Friendsgiving meal. If you don’t already know, I have stepped up in the University YMCA and Freshmen Camp programs this year… I am now the Christian Emphasis Coordinator and I give a little devotional speech before each meeting, it is a nice way to start meeting every week and bring people together. Taking on this role on Cabinet for the UY also consists of office hours in our UY house. During office hours, I clean the house, work on my devotional for the week, homework and anything else I need to get done.
Next weekend, we are trying something new for Fall Retreat and going up to Camp Storer for a night. We are going to do some volunteer service work around camp to work off our stays there throughout the year. I am really looking forward to it! That will be my 9th time at camp in 9 years:)
I am also taking a huge step into being a level 2 Freshmen Camp Counselor, facilitating more and learning as much as I possibly can… (so please pray for all of that!)
A few more things:
•I’m scheduling classes for next semester so that’s exciting!
•Babysitting, working and going to college creates a very busy schedule for me!
•God has been really teaching me patience in all aspects of my life, recently.
•I have been LOVING to post on my blog and get my thoughts out there.
•I am excited for thanksgiving soon and getting a couple days off!
•I have a huge trip to my favorite place EVER with my favorite people EVER, lined up for about 2 months from now and I can’t possibly wait!!
I’m sure there’s a ton more but… Any and all thoughts and prayers are more than welcomed in the coming weeks as this semester is ending!
Thanks to all my family and friends for sticking by me and encouraging me along the way! Have a great day :)