Tuesday, August 7, 2018

goodbye teenage years-

Woah, not to be cliche at all but where has the time gone? I don’t know if this is normal whatsoever but I loved being a teenager. 

Each year I experienced countless memories and lessons and endless love and laughter. I have met more people than I could have ever imagined and made some of my best friends along the way. I have no idea how I could put into words how much I have accomplished, been through and done in the past 6 years. 
I, like most teenagers, would say growth was the word I most achieved as a teenager. I have matured and grown into the person I want to be and who I was created to be. My teenage years have not always been sunshine and rainbows but I’m slowly learning life sometimes throws some crazy storms at you. 

here are just a few small highlights over this period of my life: 

At 13, I was finishing my 8th grade year and I was confirmed in the Catholic Church.

At 14, I just started high school and my Busi unfortunately passed away. 

At 15, I became best friends with The Crew and became more involved in church. This was a huge step in my teenage years that I will never ever regret! I am so happy this happened!

At 16, I got my temps and started to learn how to drive. I also went to my first prom as a junior. Unfortunately, I got chicken pox this year and had to stay home from school for a week. Junior year wasn’t my favorite because one of my best friends at the time, just decided not to be friends with me anymore. It was the first time I was that close to someone and it changed me forever. On a brighter side, I got to attend Buckeye Girls State that summer and become Junge City Council President!

At 17, I got my license, a car and graduated from high school. I also started at my first job in 2016. 

At 18, I got my second job, which is where I still am now. Also, I started college and commuting 35 minutes to get there. Another big event during this year was in January of 2017, I went to Washington DC for my 2nd time. 18 was a hard year, learning a lot and experiencing things I never have before.

At 19, I took another trip to DC in January for The March for Life. I went to Cedar Point twice. Another huge thing that happened to me was, I started working at camp for 2 months- a dream I’ve had for so long. (blog post coming soon!) 

The only thing I have for 20 so far is I celebrated it at camp and got to climb the newest climbing tower!

Being a teenager has taught me numerous things including: how to be responsible for myself and others, learn time management and how to appreciate life and the people around me. I hung out with The Crew so much, made countless memories with my family and drove to the lake more than I can count. 
So, Goodbye Teenage Years! 
You were such a huge adventure and I can’t wait to see what my 20’s bring me!

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